Girls Night at The Museum

SPARK Museum

Join us for our first ever Girls Night at the SPARK Museum sponsored by the Women in Leadership group at EnerSys!

Girls ages 8-13 are invited to a FREE evening of Pizza, Robots, Engineering Challenges and lots of Fun!

At this free event, girls will have dinner, meet women scientists and explore the world of engineering with the help of our Robot sidekick, Sphero. Parents/guardians are welcome drop participants off, but we highly recommend staying and enjoying the fun! Attend solo, bring a friend or sign up a whole group!

Space is limited for this free event so registration is required. Register Here!

Please Note: This event is a girl-focused event that intends an inclusive definition of girl/woman. We are welcoming and respectful of girls/women, including trans girls/women and those who are nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and anyone who identifies as a girl/woman in a way that is significant to them.